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Tamiops swinhoei

Tamiops swinhoei

Tamiops swinhoei,Hidden flower squirrel, yellow-bellied flower squirrel, leopard mouse, chipmunk, golden chipmunk, three-browed squirrel, Diao Lingzi, etc.

Rodents LC

Features:There is a distinct black stripe in the middle of the back, and two brown or light yellow vertical stripes on both sides.

The chipmunk, also known as the chipmunk, yellow-bellied chipmunk, and leopard mouse, usually builds nests in tree holes, tree branches, or cracks on cliffs. It is active at dawn and dusk. Its food is mainly plant fruits, buds, seeds, and insects. It is widely distributed and is a common group. It i...

Callosciurus quinquestriatus

Callosciurus quinquestriatus

Callosciurus quinquestriatus,,Five-striped squirrel

Rodents LC

Features:The abdomen has three black stripes and two white stripes alternating between them, hence the name "striped-bellied squirrel".

The striped squirrel, also known as the five-striped squirrel, is an endangered species. The back of the body is olive brown-gray with obvious red, and the back is the darkest. The chin and throat are gray with a slight red; there is a dark stripe in the center of the ventral surface and on both out...

Callosciurus pygerythrus imitator

Callosciurus pygerythrus imitator

Callosciurus pygerythrus imitator,Irrawaddy squirrel, Yunnan squirrel

Rodents LC

Features:The tail is usually longer than the body but narrower, and the tip is usually black.

Blue-bellied squirrels are distributed in southwestern China, including southern Yunnan and Medog in southeastern Tibet. There are 8 subspecies of blue-bellied squirrels, and only one subspecies in China, namely the Yunnan subspecies.Blue-bellied squirrels are diurnal and usually act alone. They fee...

Callosciurus phayrei

Callosciurus phayrei

Callosciurus phayrei,Phayre”s Squirrel,Yellew-handed Squirrel,Yellow-footed squirrel, yellow-bellied squirrel, yellow squirrel, Philippine squirrel

Rodents LC

Features:Arboreal squirrel with yellow belly and chin.

The yellow-handed squirrel is also called the yellow-footed squirrel, yellow-bellied squirrel, yellow squirrel, and Philippine squirrel. It is slightly larger than the red-bellied squirrel. It has a narrow distribution area and a small number of species. It is a rare species.It lives in tropical rai...

Callosciurus erythraeus

Callosciurus erythraeus

Callosciurus erythraeus,Red-bellied squirrel, flying squirrel, dart mouse

Rodents LC

Features:It has a slender body, a long tail, and the color of its abdomen varies depending on the specific habitat.

Red-bellied squirrels, also known as red-bellied squirrels, are arboreal animals. They mostly live in trees, using the branches of branches to build a frame with small sticks, surrounded by leaves and fine grass to climb things, and look like a bird's nest from the outside. Some also use the hol...

Callosciurus caniceps

Callosciurus caniceps

Callosciurus caniceps,Tamiops sauteri,Sciurus thaiwanensis,Sciurus caniceps

Rodents LC


The golden-backed squirrel (scientific name: Callosciurus caniceps) is an animal of the genus Callosciurus, native to western Malaysia, Thailand and southern Myanmar. It has been artificially introduced to the Ryukyu Islands. In China, it is distributed in Kaohsiung, Taiwan and other places. The typ...

Sciurus vulgaris

Sciurus vulgaris

Sciurus vulgaris,Squirrel, Tree Rat

Rodents LC

Features:Their fur colors vary depending on the season and location.

Northern squirrels mainly live in temperate and subarctic coniferous forests or mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forests. They build nests in large trees and are good at jumping. They mainly feed on seeds of trees such as pine trees, and also eat mushrooms, young shoots, wild fruits and insects. Th...

Nomascus leucogenys

Nomascus leucogenys

Nomascus leucogenys,White-cheeked gibbon,Northern White-cheeked Gibbon, White-cheeked Gibbon, Gibbon à favoris blancs du Nord , vượn bạc má, vượn má trắng bắc, vượn đen má trắng,Hylobates le

Features:The male's fur is mainly black with a faint silver color, while the female's fur is orange to milky white, with no black hair on the abdomen.

The northern white-cheeked gibbon is a species of primate, family Hylobates. It inhabits tall primary and degraded evergreen and semi-evergreen forests. In northwestern Vietnam and northern Laos, these animals live in a subtropical climate with short and not too cold winters without frost. In Vietna...

Manis javanica

Manis javanica

Manis javanica, pangolin, dace carp

Features:There is a white scale on the tail and dark brown scales all over the body.

Malayan pangolins are nocturnal animals that rest during the day curled up in tree holes or burrows and come out to forage throughout the night, using their prehensile tails to climb trees in pursuit of prey. The diet consists mainly of ants and termites. They can easily locate ant nests with their...

Manis crassicaudata

Manis crassicaudata

Manis crassicaudata,Thick-tailed pangolin, scaly anteater

Features:The head is small and triangular, and the body is slender and long.

Although it is a ground-dwelling animal, it is good at climbing using its prehensile tail. It lives alone most of the time, except during the mating season. It mainly feeds on ants and termites. It spends most of its time in caves or rocks. When frightened, it curls up into a ball. It usually gives...

Manis pentadactyla

Manis pentadactyla

Manis pentadactyla,Pangolin, anteater

Features:Slender. Large, conical skull. Small eyes. Long and narrow body. Scales all over the body. Short and thick limbs. Long and flat tail.

The Chinese pangolin is a specialized species with basically degenerated vision and a particularly keen sense of smell. The pangolin has a small liver, weak liver detoxification function, and a weak immune system. It has a single-chamber stomach covered with a keratin membrane, and the mucous membra...

Berardius bairdii

Berardius bairdii

Berardius bairdii,Baird's beaked whale,Bell's beaked whale, Bell's beaked whale, North Pacific bottlenose whale, North Pacific four-toothed whale

Cetacea LC

Features:Probably the largest of all beaked whales

Baird's beaked whale, whose foreign name is Baird's beaked whale, may be the largest of all beaked whales.The appearance of the Bel's beaked whale is so similar to that of Aldrich's beaked whale that some people believe that the two are the same species. However, their habitats are i...

Mesoplodon densirostris

Mesoplodon densirostris

Mesoplodon densirostris,Bryde's beaked whale, Bryde's beaked whale, Blunt beaked whale

Cetacea LC

Features:The male Beaked Whale is one of the most bizarre looking whales in the world.

Blainville's beaked whale is the most common species in the genus Blainville.Blainville's beaked whales usually move alone or in pairs, and small groups of 3 to 7 (occasionally up to 12) have also been recorded.The beaked whale generally performs shallow dives, but can dive deep for up to 45...

Ziphius cavirostris

Ziphius cavirostris

Ziphius cavirostris,Cuvier's beaked Whale,Cuvier's beaked whale, goose-billed whale, Cuvier's beaked whale, goose-billed whale, Cuvier's beaked whale

Cetacea LC

Features:The diving depth champion among mammals, the highest record is 2992 meters

Cuvier's beaked whale, whose foreign name is Cuvier's beaked Whale, is the most widely distributed species in the beaked whale family. They are also known as Goose-beaked Whale and Goose-billed Whale, so named because their head looks somewhat like a goose's head when viewed from the sid...

Kogia sima

Kogia sima

Kogia sima,Kogia simus (Owen, 1866),Physeter simus Owen, 1866, Dwarf Sperm Whale, Dwarf Sperm Whale, Cachalot nain, Cachalot nain,Cachalote Enano, Cachalote Enano,,Owen's sperm whale

Cetacea LC

Features:The species was not widely recognized until 1966

Dwarf Sperm Whale, no subspecies.The species of Dwarf Sperm Whale was not widely recognized until 1966, so it was often unclear in the literature before then which species "Kogia" was targeting. No subspecies of the pygmy sperm whale have been found. However, based on sequencing of the mit...

Kogia breviceps

Kogia breviceps

Kogia breviceps,Pygmy sperm whale

Cetacea LC

Features:The smallest whale

Pygmy sperm whale, foreign name, no subspecies.Pygmy sperm whales move alone or in small groups, sometimes up to about 6 in a group. This species is an oceanic warm-water species. It is timid and slow-moving. It swims at a speed of about 3 miles per hour. The mist column it emits when breathing is u...

Physeter macrocephalus

Physeter macrocephalus

Physeter macrocephalus,Sperm Whale, Cachelot, Pot Whale, Spermacet Whale ,Cachalot , Ballena Esperma, Cachalote, Giant Sperm Whale, Kacherat Whale

Cetacea LC

Features:The sperm whale has the largest brain in the animal kingdom, and its intestinal secretion is the famous "ambergris"

Sperm Whale, with no subspecies, has the largest brain in the animal kingdom.Sperm whales like to live in groups, often with a few male whales and a large group of female whales and calves forming a large group of more than dozens, or even two or three hundred. They migrate north and south every yea...

Neophocaena phocaenoides

Neophocaena phocaenoides

Neophocaena phocaenoides,Indo-Pacific Finless Porpoise,Delphinus phocaenoides G. Cuvier,, black finless porpoise, Indo-Pacific right porpoise

Cetacea LC

Features:Also known as the broad-backed finless porpoise

The Indo-Pacific Finless Porpoise has no subspecies.The Indo-Pacific Finless Porpoise is a relatively shy and elusive animal. They do not form large groups. They like to move alone or in pairs, and usually do not form groups of more than 4-5. Most commonly seen in small groups including females and/...

Neophocaena sunameri

Neophocaena sunameri

Neophocaena sunameri,Narrow-ridged Finless Porpoise,Sand Mingli finless porpoise, narrow-ridged finless porpoise East Asian subspecies, finless porpoise East Asian subspecies, sea finless porpoise

Cetacea LC

Features:The smallest whale in the world is of course also the smallest toothed whale

The East Asian finless porpoise, also known as the Narrow-ridged Finless Porpoise, is the smallest cetacean and is often mistaken for the Yangtze finless porpoise. The height of its back and the number of tubercles are the main features that distinguish it from the Yangtze finless porpoise and the I...

Neophocaena asiaeorientalis

Neophocaena asiaeorientalis

Neophocaena asiaeorientalis,Yangtze Finless Porpoise,Narrow-ridged Finless Porpoise, Finless Porpoise,Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis,Yangtze River Porpoise, Narrow-ridged Porpoise Yangtze

Cetacea LC

Features:The last remaining cetaceans in the Yangtze River

The Yangtze Finless Porpoise was once considered a subspecies of the narrow-ridged porpoise together with the East Asian finless porpoise. It was recognized as an independent species in 2018, which increased the number of cetacean species from 89 to 90. This also marks the addition of another endemi...

Globicephala macrorhynchus

Globicephala macrorhynchus

Globicephala macrorhynchus,short-finned pilot whale,Great nosed pilot whale, Great nosed pilot whale

Cetacea LC

Features:As the name suggests, the short-finned pilot whale has shorter flippers with rounded edges.

Short-finned pilot whale is a warm-water oceanic species.Short-finned pilot whales are most easily confused with other small black fish, such as false killer whales, followed by melon-headed whales and small killer whales. The dorsal fin is the best distinguishing feature.Short-finned pilot whales l...