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Sciuridae,Squirrel,Tree Rat

Rodents LC

Features:A squirrel with a big furry tail that chews pine cones

Squirrels, belonging to the family Sciuridae of the order Rodentia, refer to a large class of rodents with fluffy long hair on their tails. There are about 58 genera and 285 species in existence, distributed throughout all continents except Antarctica (introduced species in Oceania). Contrary to mos...




Rodents LC

Features:Bit off a tree with a diameter of 40cm within 2 hours

Beaver is called Eurasian Beaver in English, and there are 7 subspecies.Beavers are active at night and rarely leave their holes during the day. They are good at swimming and diving and do not hibernate. Beavers have a unique ability to build dams. Wherever beavers live or have lived, there is a pon...

Macropus rufus

Macropus rufus

red kangaroo, kangaroo, red kangaroo, big red kangaroo, red kangaroo

Rodents LC

Features:The red kangaroo gets its name from its red or reddish brown body color. It is the largest marsupial in the world.

The common large kangaroo is called the red kangaroo, which is also the most famous one. Its image is widely known by people all over the world. Look at its unruly temperament, sparse stubble, and strong chest. Its muscles are coiled and its veins are exposed. It looks very social at first glance.Th...



Phascolarctos cinereus, koala bear, koala bear, sloth bear

Rodents LC

Features:Australia's national treasure, the largest arboreal marsupial.

Australia is the kingdom of marsupials, and the koala is the most precious one. It looks like a velvet teddy bear, with a fat body covered with fluffy light gray or light yellow fur, no tail, a big head, bright eyes, two large semicircular ears standing upright on both sides of the head, long fur co...

Pseudo-Spirited Rat

Pseudo-Spirited Rat

Pseudo-Spirited Rat

Rodents LC


The species status of Pseudo-spiny rat is controversial, and it has long been considered a synonym of the needle-haired rat. The type locality of the needle-haired rat is Nepal, and the type locality of the Pseudo-spiny rat is Guadun, Fujian, and the two are far apart. Molecular phylogenetics confir...

Niviventer culturatus

Niviventer culturatus

Niviventer culturatus,White-tailed rat, sulfur-bellied rat, spiny gray rat, mountain rat, white-bellied rat

Rodents LC

Features:In summer, there are more spiny guard hairs and the back hair is darker brown; in winter, there are fewer spiny guard hairs and the back hair is slightly brownish yellow.

The species status of this species is highly controversial. It has long been a synonym of Niviventer confucianus. Only recently has molecular systematic research confirmed its independent species status. This species is mainly distributed in areas above 2000m above sea level in Taiwan. The habitat a...

Niviventer andersoni

Niviventer andersoni

Niviventer andersoni

Rodents LC

Features:It has a large body, a pointed snout, large ears, a pure white belly, and a clear boundary between the dorsal and ventral sides.

The species status of Andersen's white-bellied rat is stable, with three subspecies differentiation. In molecular systematics, it forms three obvious branches, but the boundaries of the branches are unclear and there is no one-to-one correspondence between the three subspecies.This species has b...

Cansumys canus

Cansumys canus

Cansumys canus,Cansumys

Rodents LC

Features:The tail hair is uniform gray in color, gray-black at the tip, and the hair at the tip forms a tuft.

The taxonomic status of Gansu hamster is controversial. Some scholars regard Gansu hamster as an independent genus and species, some scholars regard it as an independent species of the giant hamster genus (<Tscherskia>); some scholars regard it as a subspecies of the giant hamster (<Tschers...

Alexandromys kikuchii

Alexandromys kikuchii

Alexandromys kikuchii,Kikuchi Field Vole

Rodents LC

Features:It has the longest tail among the genus vole, and its hair base is dark slate blue (commonly known as "iron gray").

The taxonomic status of Taiwan vole is stable, but the genus-level taxonomic unit has been controversial. Many scientists put this species in the genus Vole, while some scientists have put it in the genus Vole (<Volemys>). Molecular systematic studies have confirmed that this taxonomic unit be...

Eothenomys fidelis

Eothenomys fidelis

Eothenomys fidelis,Southwestern woolly rat

Rodents LC


The Lijiang woolly mouse belongs to the genus Eothenomys. The species status is unstable and controversial. The type locality is Lijiang, Yunnan. Some scientists regard it as a synonym of the black-bellied woolly mouse (<Eothenomys melanogaster>), and some scientists regard it as a synonym of...

Eothenomys shimianensis

Eothenomys shimianensis

Eothenomys shimianensis

Rodents LC


Asbestos woolly rat is a new species published by Liu Shaoying et al. in 2018, and its type locality is located in Shimian County, Sichuan. In the phylogenetic tree constructed based on the mitochondrial genome, asbestos woolly rat and Kachin woolly rat constitute sister groups, and in the phylogene...

Eothenomys custos

Eothenomys custos

Eothenomys custos,

Rodents LC

Features:The tail is relatively short, most of which are less than half the body length.

The southwestern woolly rat belongs to the subgenus <Anteliomys> of the genus <Anteliomys>, and its species-level status is stable. There are currently 4 subspecies under the species, all distributed in Yunnan. The nominate subspecies <E. c. custos> (Thomas, 1912), the type localit...

Eospalax rufescens

Eospalax rufescens

Eospalax rufescens,Eospalax fontanierii,Eospalax cansus

Rodents LC

Features:The tips of the hairs are rust-colored, and some older individuals are bright rust-red.

The classification status of Qinling zokor at both genus and species levels is controversial. At the genus level, some scholars regard it as the subgenus Myospalax of the genus Myospalax, while some believe that the subgenus Myospalax is an independent genus. At the species level, many people regard...

Petaurista sybilla

Petaurista sybilla

Petaurista sybilla,Petaurista elegans

Rodents LC


The orange flying squirrel lives in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests or dark coniferous forests at medium and high altitudes. Its food mainly consists of fruits, seeds, and young branches and leaves of plants....

Petaurisa philippensis

Petaurisa philippensis

Petaurisa philippensis,Philippine flying squirrel, Giant flying squirrel

Rodents LC

Features:The fur is thick, with white and grayish-white tips densely covering the head and back, as if covered with a layer of frost.

Frost-backed flying squirrels live in tropical and subtropical areas, mostly choosing dense tall tree forests. They build nests in tree crowns or tree holes. Their food mainly consists of fruits, seeds, tender branches and leaves of plants, and they also eat insects.Listed in the "List of Terre...

Microtus juldaschi

Microtus juldaschi

Microtus juldaschi

Rodents LC


The Pamir pine vole (Pitymys juldaschi (Severtzov, 1879)) is an animal of the genus Pitymys of the family Cricetidae. The species is native to the shore of Karakul Lake in Kashgar, my country, and belongs to the subfamily Arvicolinae. The classification is quite confusing. It was previously included...

Pitymys sikimensis

Pitymys sikimensis

Pitymys sikimensis (Hodgson,1849)

Rodents LC

Features:It is a larger species of the genus Pine Vole.

Sikkim pine voles belong to the subfamily Arvicolinae. It is the model species of the genus Arvicolinae. The taxonomic status of this species is stable, and there is no subspecies differentiation. All members of the genus Arvicolinae are distributed in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. They are a group tha...

Microtus fuscus

Microtus fuscus

Microtus fuscus,Neodon fuscus,Microtus strauchi ,Microtus leucurus,Lasiopodomys

Rodents LC

Features:The fur color on the back is strikingly yellow-brown.

Qinghai pine vole belongs to the subfamily Arvicolinae and is a larger species in the genus Arvicolinae. It is brownish yellow in color, which is different from other species. It lives in typical semi-desert grasslands and is a carrier of plague virus. The taxonomic status of this species has long b...

Tamiops maritimus(Bonhote,1900)

Tamiops maritimus(Bonhote,1900)

Tamiops maritimus(Bonhote,1900),Maritime Striped Squirrel,Pygmy Squirrel

Rodents LC


The chipmunk lives in subtropical and temperate evergreen broad-leaved forests, coniferous forests and bushes near farmland. It usually builds nests in tree holes, tree branches or cracks on cliffs. It is active frequently at dawn and dusk. The food is mainly plant fruits, young shoots, seeds, and i...

Tamiops macclellandiHorsfield

Tamiops macclellandiHorsfield

Tamiops macclellandiHorsfield,MíngWénHuāShǔ

Rodents LC

Features:The body is slightly smaller, and the tail length is almost equal to the body length or slightly shorter.

The chipmunk lives in tropical and subtropical forests. It is diurnal and usually moves alone or in pairs on trees. It feeds on fruits, seeds, flowers, buds and young branches and leaves of plants, and also eats insects....

Callosciurus inomatus

Callosciurus inomatus

Callosciurus inomatus,

Rodents LC


Indochinese squirrels are arboreal animals, distributed in southern Yunnan (Xishuangbanna, Jiangcheng, Luchun, Jinping and Hekou east of the Lancang River). They live in tropical rainforests and monsoon forests below 1,000 meters above sea level, mostly active on low trees at the edge of the forest....